聽!骨頭在說話 (Deja Dead) 中文版出版於1999年 - 剛剛翻看書後的出版資料知道的。意思是我可能就在1999年或2000年買的書,還真是久遠以前,難怪一點印象也無。不過話說回來,也不是全無印象,應該是不覺得好,所以對凱絲萊克斯(Kathy Reichs)之後出的書,即使在沒有新書可讀的情形下,也沒有買她的書的意願。
雖然有些評論認為同樣以女法醫做為主角的小說, 凱絲萊克斯以她的處女作,成功打入派翠西亞康薇爾 (Patricia Cornwell)獨佔的領域,但派翠西亞著名的,以女法醫史卡佩塔(Kay Scarpetta)偵辦案件的小說,我至少讀到第八本才失去動力。如果不是因為案件本身的問題,顯然作為小說敘述故事的技巧,兩者一定有差異 - 假設不是被翻譯給毀了的話。
以個人背景而言,萊克斯是全美社會學人類法醫協會15名檢定合格的法醫之一,但康薇爾的相關經驗則是法醫部門的檢驗記錄員。真正的法醫工作,萊克斯顯然比康薇爾「感覺」上有比較多的實際接觸。然而小說需要想像力與安排故事情節的技巧,就我個人而言,萊克斯的女法醫讀來實在沒勁。過度地用文字 (而非故事或對白) 來形容自身的壓力,與警員的對峙或衝突,那種充满表面的吶喊似的文字,光看就累。我想,康薇爾在成為法醫部門前的社會記者工作,對她的寫作有一定程度的幫助。
至於小說,今天才重翻了幾頁,還是覺得看不下去 - 尤其在看了影集後,除了主角名稱相同,根本是兩件截然不同的故事嘛!影集沒說based on Kathy Reichs' story, 而是寫inspired by Kathy Reichs' story, 不是沒道理的。
- Jun 22 Sun 2008 11:01
- Jun 16 Mon 2008 12:32
the more things you will know.
The more that you learn,
the more places you'll go."
但我還是喜歡最早引自C.S. Lewis的
"so pick me, choose me, love me!!"
Not all who wander are lost.
什麼事都教我分心:All things can temp me.
註記: 針對原來在yam的網址, 已更新為現在的網址; 最後兩個版或關或找不到連結, 得空再補.
* to Zoso:
- Jun 13 Fri 2008 19:50
閱讀註記_The History of Love
You also asked what I do. I read. This morning I finished The Street of Crocodiles for the third time. I found it almost unbearably beautiful.
Also I watch movies. My brother got me a DVD player. You wouldn't believe how many movies I've watched in the last month. That's what I do. Watch movies and read. Sometimes I even pretend to write, but I'm not fooling anyone. Oh, and I go to the mailbox.
- The History of Love, Jacob Marcus 的來信
...For a while, new feelings were being invented all the time. Desire was born early, as was regret. When stubbornness was felt for the fist time, it started a chain reaction, creating the feeling of resentment on the one hand, and alienation and loneliness on the other.
...It's also true that sometimes people felt things and, because there was no word for them, they went unmentioned. The oldest emotion in the world may be that of being moved; but to describe it - just to name it - must have been like trying to catch something invisible.
...Even now, all possible feelings do not yet exist. There are still those that lie beyond our capacity and our imagination. From time to time, whe a peice of music no one has ever written, or a painteng no one has ever painted, or something else impossible to predict, fathom, or yet describe takes place, a new feeling enters the world. And then, for the millionth time in the history of feeling, the hearts surges, and absorbs the impact.
- "The Birth of Feeling", feelings are not as old as time.
The History of Love 雖被列為小說 (2006年 Orange Prize for Fiction決選名單),表現形式卻非一般的小說文體,用不同的故事,三個面向和寫作方式同時交叉進行。只有一本在小說裡被提及的書「The History of Love」似乎隱隱串起不同的人生,不同的故事。讀來有種淡淡的悲傷 (雖然我才讀到一半)。怪的是,我似乎對淡淡悲傷的書沒什麼抵抗力。言語無味的,會在翻讀幾頁後就被放棄;太呼天搶地的,句子看起來就已經很累,當然也就累到無法感受到應該感受到的。而淡淡的東西,如同之前說到的綠光,都會像人家形容的水果酒,喝起來沒什麼,後座力很強,造成宿醉的能力也不遑多讓。
- Jun 09 Mon 2008 20:00
In the morning when the moon is at it's rest,
in the morning.
'tis the morning of my life.
the minutes take so long to drift away
- Jun 06 Fri 2008 13:38
Google Icon: The Maid of Honour
一早上網就發現Google icon又換了, 今天的圖是委拉斯貴茲 (Diego Velázquez, 1599~1660) 出名的作品: “宮娥” (The Maid of Honour). 細查資料後才知道, 原來今天是大師的生日.
前年在誠品上課時, 對女性主義及哲學非常有興趣的高老師, 在第三期後的課程裡, 幾乎每堂課都會提到這幅畫. 委拉斯貴茲之名, 對我而言是如雷灌耳了啦!