

Kids have Grown

Merry Christmas !



Bill Breedon有兩幅我很喜歡的,關於冬日的畫。上面這一幅名The Kids Have Grown. 雪橇放在門邊,孩子們顯然有新的興趣了。今年因要為父親過生日,Rainer舉家回台。兩個女孩仍似小時候,與我們全無隔閡;然而也已經到了要自己挑選衣物、會自己搭配的年紀。覺得自己的心境,和畫家的畫蠻契合的,拿來問候各位朋友,佳節愉快。



這幾天除了聖誕歌曲,一直在腦海裡播放著Liz Callaway的歌聲。


Title: A Place Call Home

Artist: Liz Callaway

Album: The Story Goes on

Selected from musical: A Christmas Carol




There's a place called home,
I can almost see, with a red front door, and
A roaring fire, and a Christmas tree.
It's a place called home
Full of love and family,
And I'm there at the door
Watching you come home to me.


Through the years

I'll recall this day

In your arms

When I finally found my way

To a place called home
And a life with you

Where the days are long

and the love is strong

and the dreams are true


Just a place call home

You and I will always be
In the dark of the night
Let your heart come home
To me


Through the years
I recall this day
In your arms
When I finally found my way

To a place called home
And a life with you

Where the days are long

And the love is strong

And the dreams are true


Just a place called home
You and I will always be

In the dark of the night
Let your heart come home
To me


To the place in my heart
Where you're always home
With me



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