或許,這是我學得的第一個法文詞條。雖然不會發音,那些排列的字母就像它的字義,綠光 (The Green Ray) ,常常閃在眼際。初識候麥*、初識巴黎、初識那個夏季若未渡假,簡直是昭告世人自己孤獨的社會。
* 候麥 Eric Rohmer
PS. 影音店裡,有一陣子曾經有候麥,但只有關於四季的片子(因為當年金馬國際影展曾放映);而我想蒐集的「喜劇與諺語」系列,卻從未在市面上見過。網上搜尋時,看過在城中某處有他的片子,但因為隱居在大樓高處,電梯口紊亂混雜,遲遲不敢一探。W聽我說後,自告奮勇要陪我去,然而也過了一段時間了,我都快忘了這件事。卻在一個午後,一個文具櫃前,一冊叫做綠光的小手記,喚醒了那些心愛電影的片段。考慮著,或許應該重讀六個非道德故事。
Contes moraux (Six Moral Tales): 六個道德故事系列
- 1963 #1 La Boulangère de Monceau (The Bakery Girl of Monceau) — short, not released theatrically
- 1963 #2 La Carrière de Suzanne (Suzanne's Career) — short, not released theatrically
- 1967 #4 La Collectionneuse (The Collector)
- 1969 #3 Ma nuit chez Maud (My Night at Maud's) — although planned as the third moral tale, its production was delayed due to the unavailability of actor Jean-Louis Trintignant. It was released after the fourth tale.
- 1970 #5 Le Genou de Claire (Claire's Knee)
- 1972 #6 L'Amour l'après-midi (Love in the Afternoon/Chloe in the Afternoon)
Comédies et Proverbes (Comedies and Proverbs): 喜劇與諺語系列
- 1980 La Femme de l'aviateur (The Aviator's Wife) — "It is impossible to think about nothing."
- 1982 Le Beau mariage (A Good Marriage) — "Can anyone refrain from building castles in Spain?"
- 1983 Pauline à la plage (Pauline At The Beach) — "He who talks too much will hurt himself."
- 1984 Les Nuits de la pleine lune (Full Moon In Paris) — "He who has two women loses his soul, he who has two houses loses his mind."
- 1986 Le Rayon vert (The Green Ray/Summer) — "Ah, for the days/that set our hearts ablaze,"
- 1987 L'Ami de mon amie (My Girlfriend's Boyfriend/Boyfriends And Girlfriends) — "My friends' friends are my friends."
Contes des quatre saisons (Tales of the Four Seasons): 四季系列
- 1990 Conte de printemps (A Tale Of Springtime)
- 1992 Conte d'hiver (A Winter's Tale/A Tale of Winter)
- 1996 Conte d'été (A Summer's Tale)
- 1998 Conte d'automne (Autumn Tale)