目前分類:Google Icon (50)

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2012-02-07 Google Icon: Dickens 200th Birthday (25) (1)
2012-02-06 燈節 (5) (0)
2011-05-09 Google Icon: Roger Hargreaves 11' (151) (0)
2011-04-26 Google Icon: Audubon 11' (35) (0)
2011-03-31 Google Icon: Bunsen 200 year, 2011 (156) (0)
2011-02-17 Google Icon: Latern Festival 11' (31) (0)
2011-02-11 Google Doodle: Edison 11' (21) (2)
2011-02-02 Google Icon: Lunar New Year 11' (22) (1)
2011-01-19 Google Icon: Cezanne '11 (34) (1)
2010-12-16 Google Icon: Auten 10' (9) (0)
2010-10-31 Google Icon: Halloween 10' (Scoopy Doo) (17) (0)
2010-09-22 Google Icon: Moon Festival 10' (35) (1)
2010-08-16 Google Icon: 七夕'10 (31) (1)
2010-06-14 Google Icon: Doodle 4 Google, 台灣區優勝 (412) (3)
2010-05-07 Google Icon: tchaikovsky 10' (55) (1)
2010-04-02 Google Icon: Andersen 205 (64) (6)
2010-03-14 Google Icon: The Piday (49) (1)
2010-03-04 Google Icon: Vivaldi 10' (56) (3)
2010-02-03 Google Icon: Norman Rockwell (236) (9)
2010-01-01 Google Icon: New Year '10 (59) (1)
2009-12-21 Google Icon: X'mas 09' (75) (4)
2009-12-08 Google Icon: Pop-eye (98) (9)
2009-10-31 Google Icon: trick or treat? (62) (3)
2009-09-15 Google Icon: 神秘圖形 (149) (5)
2009-09-03 Google Icon: Doraemon 09' (163) (4)
2009-08-26 Google Icon: Qix09' (107) (5)
2009-08-25 Google Icon: Galileo 09' (94) (3)
2009-08-14 Google Icon: Orsted 09 (95) (2)
2009-08-12 Google Icon: Perseids 09 (73) (3)
2009-07-22 Google Icon: Eclipse (113) (3)
2009-07-21 Google Icon: Moonlanding (66) (4)
2009-07-10 Google Icon:Nikola Tesla (136) (5)
2009-06-17 Google Icon: Stravinsky (136) (11)
2009-05-22 Google Icon: Mary Cassatt (223) (3)
2009-04-27 Google Icon:密碼 (270) (12)
2009-04-22 Google Icon: Earthday 09' (128) (4)
2009-02-09 Google Icon: Lantern 09' (110) (9)
2009-01-26 Google Icon: The year of Ox (51) (3)
2008-12-31 Google Icon: New Year 2009 (123) (7)
2008-12-22 Google Icon: X'mas 08 (128) (8)
2008-10-31 Google Icon:萬聖節 (249) (6)
2008-09-22 Google Icon:今夜秋分 (106) (6)
2008-09-11 Google Icon:強子對撞機 (107) (6)
2008-07-07 Google Icon: Chagall (72) (0)
2008-06-06 Google Icon: The Maid of Honour (57) (0)
2008-04-22 Google Icon: 地球日08 (33) (0)
2007-12-23 Google Icon:X'mas 07 (13) (0)
2007-04-22 Google Icon: 地球日07 (28) (0)
2006-12-13 Google Icon: 吶喊 (37) (0)
2006-05-22 Google Icon: Sherlock Holmes (24) (0)