我想, 我是太喜歡Michelle Pfeiffer 和George Clooney了. 像One fine day這樣的小品電影, 我還是看得津津有味. 記得當時每個朋友都開玩笑說, 想要一個Michelle在片中用的大提袋--像個聚寶盆似的, 需要什麼東西, 再怎麼匪夷所思, 她都能利用袋中的雜物湊出來.
電影進入尾聲時, 兩個冤家已經歷多事但終於無事的一天, 卸下心防和故作姿態的偽裝, 對彼此的好感度持續增進中. 入夜時分, Jack(Clooney)找到一個彆腳但大家都會通融的爛藉口, 造訪Melanie(Pfeiffer)的家. 小朋友被速速趕到主臥去看影片, 女主人則趕緊到浴室裡整飭自己. 幾番換裝打扮, 卻怎麼樣都不滿意; 等到她終於步出浴室, Jack已在沙發一角睡著了. 於是Melanie走到Jack身旁坐下, 調整好姿勢, 讓自己右頰剛好斜倚Jack的肩頭, 一起進入夢鄉......
日後聽到Sleepy Man這首歌時, 總會想起One fine day最後, 鏡頭拉遠前的一刻. 雖然電影裡Melanie也因累了一天而睏到睡著, 不像歌中主述是清醒的看著入睡的先生(或情人); 但是那種共有的親暱, 昏昏一室中, 濃郁的甜美, 熙攘人世中只有這一刻真實的感覺, 卻是兩者皆同的.
相思難解容易入詩, 激情烈愛易被傳誦, 反而細水長流被著墨的少. "永遠"是個被草率掛在嘴上的詞, 深深痛過的感情可以被時光洗磨, 指天為證的誓約則因退到記憶深處而模糊. 反而是尋常家居夜晚的一幕, 讓承諾不再浮誇, 讓情愛不落空談. I'm right here, 執子之手, 與子偕老.
Title: Sleepy Man
Artist: Liz Callaway
Album: The Story Goes On
selected from musical "The Robber Bridegroom"
Been a busy day, with some heavy scenes,
But you've done your best, sleepy man.
Let your troubles lays, let your breath in peace,
While I rub your chest, sleepy man.
Your all done with the run of the race, for today
You got plenty of running to face come tomorrow,
I'm right here, always near
always laughing, my dear sleepy man
Not a girl I know has a better deal,
than my love with you, sleepy man
If I let it show, how you make me feel,
We'll be up 'til two, sleepy man
Your all done with the run of the race, for today
You got plenty of running to face come tomorrow,
I'm right here, always near
always laughing, my dear sleepy man
I'm right here, always near
and I love my sweet sleepy man.
- Jun 19 Mon 2006 20:53
Sleepy Man